A Connecticut Nonprofit Organization dedicated to helping our first responders and veterans.

Holistic Classes and Groups

Holistic Classes and Groups

John us for the following classes and groups hosted in-person and online! Contact us HERE for more info!

Art Therapy


“Group Art Therapy” occurs in-person every Friday at 5:00 pm at 703 Hebron Avenue, second floor in Glastonbury and at 6:00 pm online. Reach out for more details!


Recovery and Sobriety

Recovery and Sobriety for First Responders and Veterans at Honor Wellness, 703 Hebron Avenue, second floor in Glastonbury. All groups are in-person, and occur on Mondays at 12:00 pm and 3:30 pm with Steve and Thursdays at 7:00 pm with Jerry.

Military Stress and Mental Health

Every Thursday (in-person) at 5:30 pm: Psychoeducation and coping skills building training with Julie at 703 Hebron Avenue, second floor in Glastonbury

Anger Management Group

Every Thursday (on Zoom) at 6:00 pm: Sessions will be facilitated by Student Clinician Jeff Ward. For more Information contact Jeff at jeffward@honorwellness.org or (860)288-4760.

Walk It Off

Every Saturday Morning. Call for more information!



Cumulative Stress and Trauma

Please contact Honor Wellness Center for details.

Anger Management

Please contact Honor Wellness Center for details.